Facebook is it worth it?

Facebook recently had a major outage and suddenly all the non-technical forums were full of posts about how stupid people are that they can’t live without Facebook.

All the usual suspect claiming they never use it and that it’s for people with nothing better to do, one person was even amazed that people used it for business.

So the first thing I would say is that if you are a business owner you should have some sort of Facebook presence, Facebook is full of potential customers and if you combine this with being able to see their interests, it makes finding customers and therefore making money on Facebook very easy.

There may be a lot of people on Facebook posting pictures of what they had for lunch, cute kitten and puppy pictures, but these are still potential customers. If you then look at Pages and Groups many of them are already  pigeon-holed for you.

Yes an actual website is also of value but on Facebook your customers are there in front of you, also a connection via Facebook (friend request) is also a lot more informal so it’s easier to communicate with people. I certainly wouldn’t recommend only using Facebook for your business but it’s power should not be ignored.

Those businesses that are not on it are losing out and are quite honestly fools. In the last year Facebook advertising has really taken off, the system is ultra-targeted and with some work can produce PPC (pay per click) rates at the lowest available.

So the answer is YES Facebook is worth the effect so get your business page on there today and start making money. For more internet marketing secrets see my new blog ilearnquick.com and learn how to start really getting the best out of the internet.

2 thoughts on “Facebook is it worth it?

  1. Pingback: Should I use Facebook for Business | leg9guy Blog

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